Health Financing
“Colombia: Approaching Universal Coverage,” Health Affairs, 29, no.4 (2010): 739-740.
Health Insurance: the Influence of the Beveridge Report, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 78(6), 2000.
“Life And Death And Who’s Going To Pay,” Health Affairs, 25, no.6 (2006): 1664-1667.
“Out-Of-Pocket Spending: Protecting Households From Catastrophic Health Spending,” with Ke Xu, David B. Evans, Guido Carrin, Ana Mylena Aguilar-Rivera, and Timothy Evans, Health Affairs, 26, no.4 (2007): 972-983.
Life And Death And Who's Going To Pay
“In the ER, Unhealthy Premium on Insurance Data,” National Public Radio, August 21, 2008.
(See related article published by Health Affairs.)
Results-based Financing Papers and Video
(1) “Financial and Other Rewards for Good Performance or Results: A Guided Tour of Concepts and Terms and a Glossary (Revised March 2011),” World Bank, May 2011.
(2) “Rewards for Good Performance or Results: A Short Glossary,” World Bank, March 2011.
“Results-Based Financing for Health (RBF),” World Bank Panel Discussion on Glossary, Washington, D.C., September 14, 2010.
Author and presenter: Philip Musgrove, Health Affairs
Chair: Juan Pablo Uribe, World Bank
Panelists: Benjamin Loevinsohn, World Bank; Amanda Glassman, Inter-American Development Bank; Yogita Mumssen, Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid
Videos of the Panel Discussion: Introductions, Phil Musgrove, Panelists and Philip Musgrove Q&A
Philip Musgrove’s RBF Glossary Presentation
RBF Q&A Session with Philip Musgrove